Capture The Beer!
Number of players: No less than 4v4, but higher numbers such as 6v6 are preferred.
Field: The battlefield should be on the smaller side, and urban environments are preferable, with relatively few things to trip on.
Time limits: None
Lives: Infinite
Respawn rules: Use spawn points placed about 50 feet from each base, with short respawn times of about 30 seconds
Special equipment: Five bottles or cans of beer per player, and two coolers with ice.
-Each team has a cooler filled with beers at their base
-As in multi-flag CTF, the team that captures all the enemy beers wins the game
-In order to "capture" a beer, a player must chug down the entire contents upon reaching the enemy cooler
-It is illegal to pour the beer out onto the ground!
-If a player is hit while drinking, he/she must immediately put the beer back and go respawn
-There is no limit to the amount of beers any single player may consume
-The game ends when there is no more beer in one team's cooler
-Must be 21 or older to play
-The farther ahead a team gets, the harder it gets to fight!
-Could be played with hard liquor instead, using fewer, smaller containers (i.e. one small bottle per player)
So who wants to play a round with me?
![Very happy [banana]](./images/smilies/soaker_banana.gif)