A New Twist on CTF - Introducing CTB

Water warfare game types, ideas, rules, organization, etc.
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A New Twist on CTF - Introducing CTB

Post by SEAL » Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:31 pm

Everybody knows CTF. Capture the enemy flag(s) to win the game. But capturing flags is so old-school. In the spirit of college season starting up, I present to you...

Capture The Beer!

Number of players: No less than 4v4, but higher numbers such as 6v6 are preferred.

Field: The battlefield should be on the smaller side, and urban environments are preferable, with relatively few things to trip on.

Time limits: None

Lives: Infinite

Respawn rules: Use spawn points placed about 50 feet from each base, with short respawn times of about 30 seconds

Special equipment: Five bottles or cans of beer per player, and two coolers with ice.

-Each team has a cooler filled with beers at their base
-As in multi-flag CTF, the team that captures all the enemy beers wins the game
-In order to "capture" a beer, a player must chug down the entire contents upon reaching the enemy cooler
-It is illegal to pour the beer out onto the ground!
-If a player is hit while drinking, he/she must immediately put the beer back and go respawn
-There is no limit to the amount of beers any single player may consume
-The game ends when there is no more beer in one team's cooler
-Must be 21 or older to play

-The farther ahead a team gets, the harder it gets to fight!
-Could be played with hard liquor instead, using fewer, smaller containers (i.e. one small bottle per player)

So who wants to play a round with me? [banana]
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Re: A New Twist on CTF - Introducing CTB

Post by marauder » Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:27 am

Well, that's it, I'm in. There are plenty of "beer runs," and other games so I don't see why this wouldn't work. Also reminds me of the event that I had theorized called a "smashed soakfest."
SEAL wrote:If you ain't bloody and muddy by the end of the day, you went to a Nerf war.

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Re: A New Twist on CTF - Introducing CTB

Post by scottthewaterwarrior » Tue Oct 02, 2018 12:58 am

I'd be up for playing it, no way I could be one of the ones to actually capture the beer though. Ignoring the fact that several of my medications say not to mix with alcohol, the stuff makes me feel really sick, and I'm such a lightweight that even drinking half a glass of Mike's Hard (IDK how much alcohol it has) means I can hardly stand!
"If you are wet at the end of a water war, you are doing it wrong"
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Re: A New Twist on CTF - Introducing CTB

Post by marauder » Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:46 am

scottthewaterwarrior wrote: I'm such a lightweight that even drinking half a glass of Mike's Hard (IDK how much alcohol it has) means I can hardly stand!
I think this would make the game even more amusing.

But seriously, no going against what your prescriptions are saying! BTW, any chance we have Soakermore this year? Still trying to organize something for this year... but no one other than SEAL is really responding...
SEAL wrote:If you ain't bloody and muddy by the end of the day, you went to a Nerf war.

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Re: A New Twist on CTF - Introducing CTB

Post by SEAL » Sun Oct 07, 2018 4:54 pm

Sounds psychological to me. I've never known anyone to get trashed that fast. Unless it's some kind of reaction to the drugs or something, in which case I definitely would stay away from booze at all costs. I also used to be on a medication that wasn't supposed to be mixed with alcohol. Wasn't fun. I mean, it can be amusing to go to a party sober and watch all your friends act retarded, but it's even more amusing when you're acting retarded too. :P I'm glad I was able to ditch a lot of the medicines I was on. I'm down to one at the moment, which unfortunately there's no getting around because without it I end up in too much pain to walk.

For a simpler water warfare drinking game, you could just play like 1HS but have beers at your spawn point. In order to be able to respawn, you have to finish one bottle/can/cup. This game would be the opposite of CTB in that it gets harder the farther behind your team gets. Kinda like beer pong, although personally I feel like I play better drunk than sober, haha.
~Hotel Oscar Golf~

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