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Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 10:58 am
by Storm
How do I close the PC over the bladder? I screw it in but every now and then I hear slight cracking and even noticed the smallest little crack near a screw.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 11:44 am
by isoaker
Me nitpicking: the bladder IS the PC. What you're trying to close is the casing for the PC. :goofy: :cool:

Anyhow, if you are hearing cracking, you have too many layers of mod in a place that has a restricted space. You may have to cut back part of the layers where the bladder is hitting the casing BEFORE you attempt to reattach the PC casing.


Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 8:42 pm
by Excelite
If you want to be EXTREME and crazy-like, you can always make a new pc casing out of PVC. Maybe try 2 inch PVC pipe, if the interior diameter is bigger than that of your old pc casing. If you're like me, and have absolutely no respect for the soaker casing, I would cut out everything in the way to make it fit :D

The rubber may stretch over time, but this is just an idea of mine that's been floating around in my head for awhile...

This may require a check valve freeze though... and it's likely you won't be able to use your old pressure gauge window.

Substitute whatever you can think of for a better/larger casing than PVC if you can find it. Use duct tape to put the casing back together.

*Edit before post*: Wait a minute... this is a k-mod thread. Yea take off some balloons :oo: