Downpour 2012: A Full War Report From Your Soggy Host

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Downpour 2012: A Full War Report From Your Soggy Host

Post by SEAL » Sun Aug 05, 2012 3:15 pm

Downpour 2012, Full Battle Report by SEAL:

Friday, July 27th:

I should have known that things would go wrong the minute that our 2005 Ford Focus wagon, the only car that I drive, broke down. It happened about an hour before I was supposed to leave for the war, and forced us to pile everything into a different car, which didn't have as much room as the Focus. I had to leave out quite a few of the blasters I was planning to take, including both of my homemades (I still squeezed my WBL in though.). As it was when I was little, I had to rely on my parents to get around. We left maybe 10 minutes before we were supposed to already be there, and after stopping at a gas station to pick up some food, we arrived at Onteora Lake at almost exactly 6:00 in the evening. Now, we had to find us a place to camp. No suitable spots could be found until we'd walked about 5 minutes on the trail, where we found a spot that looked like it had been used many times before, with bottle caps, plastic spoons, an assload of nails, and a beer crate among other trash. Whatever happened to "If you carry it in, carry it out!"? There were actually two campsites, one on each side of the trail. We chose the one that was sort of on a hill, leaving the site next to the water for the others. After pitching our tent, we walked back to the parking lot to wait for DX.

He arrived at about 6:45, and we showed him where the camping was to be done. After we helped to pitch his tent next to ours on the hill, we went back to wait for Scott's group. Scott's dad had called me while we were on our way to the lake, informing us that they were stuck in heavy traffic on the New Jersey Turnpike, and likely wouldn't get there until after 8:30. We just hung out by the lake while we waited, and took a few pictures.

Staring out over the lake.

DX in position to take out a boat on the lake.

DX in position to take out a pedestrian on the trail.


Once it got really dark, we walked out to the road to wait. We must have looked like a gang or something, hanging around in the parking lot at night, haha. DX called Scott's dad, who said that they were about 15 minutes away. As we waited, we were betting that they'd just blast past the parking area at 50 MPH, but they didn't, and we met them right around when they said they would arrive. Once they'd parked the car, we went over to the Hobo Deli to get some food, which happened to be within walking distance. By the time we got back to our campsite, it was around 10:30 or so. After we set up both of Scott's tents down by the lake, we turned in; it would be a big day next morning. It was very humid at night though, and hard to sleep in. I have no idea how long I slept for.

Setting up the tent that Scott and Bela slept in.

Saturday, July 28th:

As usual, me and my brothers were the first ones up. Scott was awake after I got back from doing a bit of exploring, to find good fighting areas. The woods surrounding the campsites were actually very nice, and I was thinking that we should have a fight there before my mom came with breakfast. Eventually, everybody except Scott's dad was awake, so we started preparing for a battle.

But first things first (DX was actually getting his camo from the car when we took this, haha.)...

Round 1, OHS:

My team:
Me (SEAL) w/ CPS 2700
Jon (my youngest brother, aka "boogieboard2") w/ Arctic Blast
Keith (my younger brother) w/ CPS 1200
Enemy team:
Bela (Scott's friend) w/ Arctic Blast
Duxburian w/ CPS 2000
Scott w/ XP 105

I thought it would be a good idea just to have the battle in the woods surrounding the campsites, but we ended up hiking over to a place that DX and I scouted out in January, a ravine similar to Thunder Gulch that we called "The Freezer", due to the fact that it was a good 5-10 degrees cooler in there than in the surrounding areas. We placed a notepad near the trail that would be our spawn point, and we had to write down who killed us in order to respawn. It was a very good way to get accurate stats, and it should become a community standard. In this game, both teams would use the same spawn point. We took up positions on each side of the ravine, and began the first game of Downpour 2012.

Upon hollering "Ready!", my team began the game by moving forward, looking for a visual. As DX told me in the OHK round at Hydropocalypse, the first sighting is crucial. We achieved it after about a minute. We didn't really start very far apart. They had gone over to the trail, so we decided to get to the other side of the ravine to get a better angle of attack on them. When we got there, we discovered that they were heading away from us, climbing a hill. We figured that they must have seen us, so we followed them, and ended up facing them from across a creek that separated the hill (which was more of a rock mound.) from the surrounding land, most of which was also made up of loose rocks. I didn't really like what I saw. This was the perfect setting for a Mexican standoff, and that's sort of exactly what happened. My job was to keep DX busy while my brothers took advantage of Scott and Bela's weaker blasters.

A few shots were fired, but neither team could really get anywhere. Even Keith with his 1200 couldn't land any hits. Eventually, DX called a switch with Scott, and went over to engage my brothers. Now that I was facing a blaster that shot 10 feet less than mine instead of 10 feet more, I started looking for an opportunity to cross the stream and strike. We fired a few shots, but then, I don't know what happened, but Scott looked away for some reason, and I used this opportunity to jump the creek and get in real close. Before Scott knew what was happening, I rushed in and unloaded two or three shots, landing a kill. Now even though I yelled over to my brothers that we had one point, Bela, who was in the middle, didn't even seem to notice me. I take it that Jon (who was fighting with him, since their blasters matched up better.) noticed what I'd done, and was keeping Bela busy so that I could get the kill. And get it I did. He didn't notice me until I'd shot him.

After that, I decided why not take out the third one? I yelled to my brothers to move in on DX, and ran in until I was just within range. I could have gotten closer, but I was worried because he had a 2000, and as a result, I didn't get him with enough water when I made my shot. Things looked pretty bad for him, but he was saved by the round ending. Keith had shot him, but it didn't count because it was 10 seconds after time. We won 2-0. Overall it was a pretty good round, although aside from the fact that we'd won, it was a little dull. Terrain definitely makes a big difference in how battles play out, and I would discover that even more on sunday.

Around the time we'd exchanged our first shots, a few drops could be felt from above. When the round ended, it was practically pouring, and I suddenly realized in a flash of panic that I'd left my camera and cell phone out in the open. I ran back most of the way to the campsite, just in time to save everything. The phone somehow still works, dispite having been pretty thoroughly soaked, and the camera was in it's protective case, so that hardly got wet at all. Scott's dad still wasn't awake when we got back, at around 9:00. That was also when my mom was supposed to come by with breakfast, so we left Scott's dad to the bears and hiked back to the parking lot.

As it turned out, DX's iPhone said that a huge storm was coming our way, and we had to do something as soon as possible. After some debate, we decided to drive over to Dug Hill so we could take shelter under the pavilion. It took a bit of time, but we finally rounded up everything we needed, woke up Scott's dad, and skedaddled just as the first rumbles could be heard. Thankfully, the pavilion was completely empty, so we were able to set up underneath it's protective roof. We ate our breakfast as we waited out the rain. It came down harder than I've seen in a long time, and the thunder came awfully close.

A shot of everyone eating while the rain comes down. I don't think it was pouring as hard in this picture.

A different angle.

Here's a bad picture of what it was like. I think DX got some better shots.

What my brother looked like after standing in the rain for 5 seconds.

Eventually the rain started to slow down, and after what seemed like all day, it finally stopped. By then some little kids had come to the pavilion for a birthday party or something (they thought we were Boy Scouts...), making life a little more difficult, especially since they were blocking the spigot on the inside of the pavilion, and the one on the outside apparently no longer worked. We tried to fill up in the bathrooms, but it was agonizingly slow. Luckily, Scott had brought some large full bottles from home, so we used those to fill our air-pressure blasters, since this was to be an air-pressure-only round. Now I had only brought 3 air pressure blasters, an XP 270 and two Goblins, and only the 270 was available due to the fact that the Goblins were back in my tent at the lake. Fortunately, DX had brought 3 Colossi (as we have taken to calling them in plural form.), so everyone was covered. We decided to have a "Defend the Train!" round, using that wooden train that DX and I took pictures of last January.

Round 2, HTL:

My team (Defense):
Me w/ Colossus
Jon w/ Colossus
Duxburian w/ Colossus
Scott w/ Colossus
Enemy team (Offense):
Bela w/ Equalizer
Keith w/ XP 270

As you can see, we split the teams into "Colossi vs. everyone else". Our objective was basically to keep the offense from eliminating us before the time ran out. We got 3 lives, and the other team got the notebook, since it'd be pretty easy to remember who killed you when you can only get killed 3 times. Although casual, this round was still a lot of fun, with almost no pause in the action. That's the way I like it. And even though it was in a very open area, we didn't get any of the standoffs that usually plague me and my brothers when we did open-field combat. I'm sure a lot of that was due to Bela's constant charging. He went super-offensive, which is how you have to do it when you're on offense in Hold the Line. He ended up getting killed a LOT though. Keith, on the other hand, hardly got killed at all, preferring to take a more conservative approach. He actually killed me once, the only time I ever got killed in that round, but that was only because I couldn't see the stream from his blaster, haha.

Although DX had said that the defense always loses these games, we won without anyone losing all 3 lives. Of course, we did outnumber them quite a bit. Overall it was a pretty good round; it was a little casual, but still action-packed. We decided to switch sides around a little and do it again. Unfortunately, a bunch of annoying little kids from the party were using the train, so we decided to assault the playground instead. We also included small CPS blasters instead of air-pressure-only (basically, nothing bigger than a 1000/1200/2100.).

Round 3, HTL:

My team (Offense):
Me w/ CPS 1200
Duxburian w/ CPS 12K
Bela w/ Colossus
Jon w/ CPS 10K
Keith w/ XP 270
Scott w/ Vindicator

This round was pretty similar to the previous one. I don't really remember anything of interest happening, other than Bela forgetting that he only had 3 lives, remembering only after he'd been shot 5 times (the 4th kill was mine, and it didn't count. :( ). It didn't end up mattering as we didn't win anyway; none of the other defenders were eliminated. I got killed once, by Scott I think. I can't remember how many hits I made. That's really all there is to say about this round; it wasn't quite as fun as the train round in my opinion, but it wasn't bad, and there was plenty of action. However, it was time to move on to more serious battles. We wanted to do a revisit to Thunder Gulch, but this time instead of using small CPS and piston guns (which practically nobody brought.), we went big. Of course, we had to wait out a long-ass storm before we could get rolling...

Round 4, OHS:

My team:
Me w/ CPS 2700
Keith w/ CPS 1200
Duxburian w/ CPS 2000 x2

Left to right: The Creeper, the Musclehead, and the Badass.


Enemy team:
Bela w/ Vindicator
Jon w/ CPS 1500
Scott w/ CPS 2500

Left to right: The Vulcan, the Sharpshooter, and the...the one guy who actually looks normal... :goofy:

More team pictures:


We went to the exact same area of Thunder Gulch as we faught at in the last war, where the final scores had double-digits on each side. We figured that this round would be similar. Boy, were we wrong.

Here are some pictures from before the battle started.

Descending into the ravine...

My brother, still descending while DX snipes him from above with his camera.

Jon and Bela, filling their blasters with mud water that would've given CA99 a heart attack (just kidding, CA99. :goofy: ).

Bela, trying to figure out how to get up.

My team's armory. What is this "piston gun" that you speak of?

The rules would be similar to last year's, but this time with spawn points (marked with a notebook on each side.). I didn't really like the way we did it last year, where we held up our hands and counted to 10 after getting hit, because after you hit someone, they'd just continue fighting after 10 seconds, and we got a bit of spawn-raping too. I didn't get any footage of the battle, but I did film an introduction. I'm not going to include it in my video though, since there'd be no point in having an introduction, but no actual battle.

Our plan was to wait for them to attack, so we would have the high ground. That's the same plan that my team had last year, which didn't end up working too well, mainly because we weren't very organized, having never faught together before that. I had this feeling that the other team would do the exact same thing. And guess what? I was right. We spent a little while staring at each other, until Scott and Bela started moving to our right. Keith and I mirrored their movements, while DX stayed behind to cover Jon. We followed them a long way, going way out of the area that we faught in last time. Maybe we should have defined the boundries a little better, because we went way out there. DX and Jon couldn't even be seen. Finally, Scott and Bela descended into the canyon, and began their approach. We fired a few shots at them, but no hits were made. Then, I have no idea how this happened, but somehow Bela managed to find his way directly under the ledge that we were standing on; I was shooting at Scott, so I didn't see how on earth he got under there without recieving a hit from Keith.

Once he was under there, Bela was impossible to get a clear shot at. We didn't want to lean over too far, because of the risk of getting hit. My brother kept a watch on him, while I sent some water at Scott. I could reach him, but not enough water landed on him to count for a hit. Just goes to show you that even though a blaster may shoot 45 feet, you won't be getting any hits (at least, if you play by our rules.) until you move in to about 40. Suddenly, Bela appeared to rise out of the ground to the right of me. Keith had finally drawn him out, and he was trying to defend himself, but the Vindicator decided to fail at that moment, and he couldn't even reach my brother. Bela wasn't even looking at me, so I took full advantage of this opportunity, and blasted him nearly point-blank in the shoulder with a 5X stream. If that wasn't a hit, nothing would be.

Scott retreated, following Bela as he went back to respawn. Since we were winning, it was time to switch to the defensive. We ran back to where DX was; apparently neither him nor Jon had moved at all. We just hung around and waited for the time to run out. Dispite the fact that time was short for the enemy team, they didn't try anything until the last minute, when the time ended just as they were starting to descend into the gulch. I think they should try a little harder next time. ;) So we won 1-0; the complete opposite of last year. I think the reason for this is the fact that we had spawn points, and the fact that both teams did the smart thing, instead of attacking immediately just so there'd be more action. The spawn points made it so it was much more of a disadvantage to go on offense.
To continue the nostalgic round series, we agreed to having a round by those gravel piles that we faught at last year. This time, nearly all the piles had been removed, which didn't really matter because we wanted to defend the ridge in the back instead. I figured I might as well go on the defensive team, because I'd gone on offense last year. We also made some changes to the ruleset. Instead of doing a 3HK for both sides, we used the same Hold the Line rules as before, since I think we can all agree that it's the best gametype for a basic attack/defend game. I think we might have had another storm (we had so many it's hard to remember when each one happened...) that we had to wait out before beginnning the round.

Round 5, HTL:
My team (Defense):
Me w/ CPS 2700
Keith w/ CPS 1200
Duxburian w/ CPS 2000 x2
Enemy team (Offense):
Bela w/ CPS 2500
Jon w/ CPS 1500
Scott w/ CPS 2000

Oh by the way, DX didn't actually dual-wield the 2000s, he just kept the other one on the ground by our spawn point for when he ran out of water with his first one. Nobody ever dual-wielded anything except Scott with his Crickets. With that said, this battle was pretty much your standard HTL game, but with the defense getting 3 lives instead of 1, like in my ruleset (I know I have some other weird translation of HTL on the Wiki, but I want to change that back to the original, simpler ruleset.), and with notebooks at each spawn point. My brother got some footage of this battle, simply by holding a camera in one hand, since he had the lightest blaster.

Dispite being on "offense", the enemy team actually played it pretty defensively, with practically no suicide rushes. Plenty of shots were exchanged, but not many kills were made. I got hit by Scott once, but I didn't make any kills. Bela was the most offensive player on the team, but he got hit 3 times, the only player to get hit more than once. He did score a hit on Keith though. After a few minutes of fighting, Scott's dad, who was filming from the other side, came over to have a word with Scott and Bela. I guess he had some sort of strategy or something. Whatever it was, it must have been a pretty good, because they suddenly started a major offensive campaign, getting a lot tougher. I think this is when most of the kills happened. Unfortunately for them, it wasn't enough, and the time ran out before anybody from our side was eliminated.

The battle was pretty fun; it's so far the only time I have ever came close to emptying my 2700's reservoir. There was barely enough left in the tank to fill the PC. I probably took more shots in that battle than I needed to. Scott actually refilled his 2000 at one point in the battle, by running back to the pavilion. Bela and Jon didn't really do much while he was gone. Overall, they should have been slightly more aggressive. It pays off when you're on offense in HTL, as we were about to demonstrate by switching sides.

Round 6, HTL:

My team (Offense):
Me w/ CPS 2000 & 2700
Keith w/ CPS 1200
Duxburian w/ CPS 2000 & 12K
Bela w/ CPS 2500
Jon w/ CPS 1500
Scott w/ CPS 2000 & Triple Stream Machine thing (basically 3 knockoff Stream Machines stuck together.) & Colossus (or was it an Equalizer?)

This was one of my favorite rounds. Being on offense, I asked DX if I could use one of his 2000s (he only brought 3 for this war.), so I could get some extra range to balance out the fact that I was on lower ground. I kept my newly-filled 2700 on the ground next to our spawn point, in case I ran out of water, which happens a lot with 2000s. DX brought his 12K for backup. My brother was going to film this round too, but he only got an introduction, and forgot to document the battle.

I got the hang of how to use the 2000 pretty quick, and before long, I decided that it's an excellent weapon for me. I made 5 kills with it (more than anybody else.), yet didn't get killed once dispite having lower ground. I figured out that it's best to have two fingers on the trigger, because you need to pull it fast in order to get as many tap-shots as you can out of your PC. By the end, I had it so that I'd need about 4 or 5 pumps to restore all pressure lost. I would sneak up from their left, putting trees and bushes between me and my enemy until I got close, and I never fired unless I was sure I could make the hit, therefore all of my shots were all really close, and as the stats show, five of them were hits. One that sticks out in my mind is when Bela and Scott were standing close together; I fired, and Bela, who was standing in front of Scott, saw it coming and jumped out of the way, letting the stream hit Scott, who wasn't paying attention. :lol:

One of the highlights of this round was Scott's triple-syringe-thingy, which was basically three cheap Stream Machine-esque syringe blasters that Scott taped together around a stick of PVC. It shot pretty far, probably around 50-55 feet, but the stream was very thin (think 2.5X or so.), and I had no trouble dodging it, dispite being Scott's primary target. He also had a Colossus (DX has it listed as an Equalizer, but I remember it being a Colossus.) that he pulled out after his 2000 ran out.

Even though I'd eliminated Jon with the help of DX, we didn't win because Scott and Bela had 1 life left each. That was still pretty close though, and proves that being offensive pays off in this game. I never relented my assault, constantly sneaking over and unloading the 2000. The funny thing is, they didn't pay a whole lot of attention to me, so I was able to sneak up unnoticed most of the time. Overall it was a fun round, and it makes me want a 2000 really badly now, though a 2500 would be great too; I used Scott's at Hydropocalypse and loved it as well. They're both great blasters, and hopefully I'll be able to pick up one or both in the future.

That was the last round of saturday. We went back to Onteora Lake to observe the damage to our tents, which didn't turn out to be too bad. I was all for having an evening/night battle, but nobody else really wanted to. It's a shame, because we only had one round at the lake, and no night wars at all. The former can be blamed on the weather though. Miraculously, it wasn't raining at all in the evening, so we had a campfire (not the easiest thing to do when everything's wet...) and made smores. Soon after we went to sleep. Hopefully, the next day would be better. I mean, what else could go wrong?

Sunday, July 29th:

Early in the morning (Scott said it happened at 12:30, but I remember it being light out.), I was rudely awakened by yet another storm that came really close. Don't know how much sleep I got after that, but I woke up for good around 6:00 or so, and had nothing to do but wander around and wait for everyone else to wake up. Then it started to rain again, and I had to go back in the tent for a while. I think we finally got going around 9:00, back over to Dug Hill, where hopefully, two of my friends would be.

Nobody was there when we pulled in, and it was raining pretty hard, so we had our breakfast under the pavilion. Neither of my friends had showed up when we finished, so we started filling water balloons in preparation for the round that I was the most excited about; an attack/defense round across the street on some massive cliffs that DX and I found in January. I thought it was going to be epic, but I was in for a surprise.

Just as we'd gathered all the balloons, launchers, sabots, and blasters, my friend Bailey pulled into the parking lot. He was about two hours late, but it didn't really matter because of the rain (which had stopped while we were preparing, and didn't antagonize us any more that weekend.), and we didn't even have any rounds yet anyway.

He's finally here!

Some last minute preparations.

The whole group!

...That didn't turn out too well. Let's try it again.

Round 7, HTL:

My team (Offense):
Bela w/ CPS 10K
Me w/ CPS 2000 & Douchenator
Jon w/ CPS 1500 and Douchenator
Bailey (a friend of me and my brothers) w/ CPS 2700
Keith w/ CPS 1200
Duxburian w/ CPS 2000 x2 & Lacross stick
Scott w/ CPS 2500

Both teams were very heavily armed, and it looked to be a good fight. However once we got there, we couldn't find any spots where the offense wouldn't be completely overwhelmed, until we found a familiar spot that we called "The Valley of Death" when we discovered it in January. It certainly looked epic, and we were eager to fight there. After setting everything up, which took a little longer due to all the balloons and extra gear, we began the round. I told Bela to try to draw the enemies into the open, where they'd be sitting ducks to Jon and me with our WBLs. As it turned out, this didn't work so well. The defense had enough people where they could keep Bela covered and still keep watch on the launchers. Nobody was hit by a water balloon in the entire round.

Once I'd taken maybe 3 or 4 unsuccessful shots with the WBL (not as many balloons exploded in the barrel this time though.), I took up the CPS 2000 and took a more offensive approach. It was then when I found out just how much the terrain hindered our fighting ability. First of all, the ground mainly consisted of loose rocks, making it almost impossible to dodge without looking down. Second of all, there were a lot of thick trees, which gave the defense good hiding places, and made it difficult for us to move. It was the most unbalanced round I'd ever faught in, and I had to be on the wrong side. I only got killed once or twice, but neither I nor anybody else on my team made any kills whatsoever. Eventually I realized that I couldn't get anywhere with the 2000, so I went back to the WBL, and used up the remaining sabots firing up the cliff. I came pretty close on one or two shots, but as usual, no kills were made.

After all the shells were used up, I had no choice but to try my luck attacking with the 2000 again. There was like 20 seconds left when I just said "Screw this.", and went on a desperate full-blown suicide charge in attempt to get one or two kills before the time ran out. I fired a shot at Keith that went slightly wide, then made up for it by a beautiful shot at Scott that I could have sworn was a kill. I couldn't believe it when he shot me. Not that it mattered because Keith would have shot me anyway, but I really wanted to get at least one kill before the time ran out. A frustrating round for the offense, that's for sure. I think this is an important lesson to the community: Just because a battleground looks epic, doesn't mean it'll be epic to fight there. This was the round that I was looking forward to the most, but it turned out to be disappointing. I'm sure I wouldn't have minded so much if I was on the defensive team, but I'm sure that the other team would've felt the way that I did if they were in my position.

Because of the imbalance, we didn't switch sides like we originally planned to, but instead went back to the pavilion and started getting ready for the final round of the war. We wanted to just have a traditional OHS game, but with smaller guns only. It would be the same type of round as the air-pressure-only battles last year, only OHS instead of OHK. The teams were split up into a "community members vs. the rest" arrangement.

Round 8, OHS:

My team:
Me w/ Colossus
Duxburian w/ CPS 12K
Scott w/ Colossus & Cricket x2
Bailey w/ CPS 10K
Bela w/ Colossus
Jon w/ Pulse Blaster
Keith w/ Colossus

This was the best round of the war in my humble opinion. A great way to finish things off. By far the most action-packed round that weekend, centered on the hill with the large boulder that DX narrowly avoided getting ambushed from last year, thanks to remembering it from a scouting trip a month earlier. My team stayed defensive due to the natural defendability (real word?) of the place. Thankfully, it wasn't like Thunder Gulch, and the other team opened with offense and ended with offense. It was great. I got me 3 kills, and died once. Not the best, but certainly not the worst.

Even though we were outnumbered, our superior water warfare knowlege gave us the win, and by quite a lot too. The final score was something like 19-6. However, Bela managed to put an end to DX's no-death record, and Bailey showed some great tactical knowlege, attacking us from some very tricky angles. If he got a little more experience, I bet he'd be a very formidable fighter. My brothers also made tough opponents, attacking us dead-on while the others snuck around behind us. We got surrounded a few times, and we probably would've fared better if we'd made a run for it, but we stayed up there. I wish we could've got this round on film, but there was too much action for any of us to record it and still fight effectively, and Scott's dad was busy packing the car. Hopefully I'll have a Go Pro camera in time for the next war, so I can film every battle from a first-person view.

So overall, an excellent way to end the war. Once we got back we packed everything up and left. DX didn't have to leave so early, but without Scott and Bela, we would've only had enough for a 2vs3. If only my other friend had showed up, we could have had one or two extra rounds. I found out later that he'd slept until 12:00 noon, about the time that we were getting ready to fight on the cliffs. Perhaps it's time to invest in an alarm clock, hmm?

And that just about wraps things up. Downpour 2012 was a pretty good war, but I kind of wish that not so many things went wrong. While I didn't talk about it much in the report, the rain was pretty bad most of the time, and thunderstorms prevented us from going ahead and fighting anyway. The fact that the car broke down also made things a lot more difficult, and finally, only one of my friends showed up when I invited like 5. This war also ruined my goal of having more people with each successive year, though I had a gut feeling that it would happen, just based on the general lack of interest within the community. Next year, I'm going to push a little harder to get more participants. Hopefully the weather will be much more agreeable next year too.

Oh, here's the video. Unfortunately I didn't get much more than Round 5, because I was too busy fighting to get any actual battle footage. It should be different next time. ...

And finally, we have a picture of DX annihilating Bela with his water cannon. I took this out of the video.

Hoping for a better war next year.
~Hotel Oscar Golf~

We probably won't be back, but the legacy lives on.

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Re: Downpour 2012: A Full War Report From Your Soggy Host

Post by marauder » Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:22 am

You got some epic pictures, I'm actually rather impressed. Everything looks totally wet in the pictures, even when it's not raining. I hope Bela and Baily enjoyed it enough to want to come next year. We need more people. Your comments about the up hill HTL battle on the cliffs are so spot on.

We haven't done a true, lengthy battle, over a large area since the 1hk game in 2011 (unless you count the CTF game in 2011). I would like to see another battle like that next year, or even this Fall if we can do it. Like I said in the other thread, this didn't end in a tie because DX and I weren't fighting each other lol. As far as weaponry is concerned, I like seeing different guns, like the Arctic Blast, Pulse Blaster, etc used; and I think it's funny that the XP 270 has been used a decent amount in every war we've had.
SEAL wrote:If you ain't bloody and muddy by the end of the day, you went to a Nerf war.

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Re: Downpour 2012: A Full War Report From Your Soggy Host

Post by SEAL » Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:48 am

Everything was thoroughly soaked, that's for sure. I don't think it dried out completely until like two days later, haha. I'm confident that we should be able to get a lot more people next year. I'll try to bring more people (even if I have to drag them out of bed, haha.) for it as well.

I definitely want to have more long-distance battles, but we haven't really had enough people to do it lately, and when we did (Hydropocalypse.), not everybody was into it enough to do it anyway. What we need for that is a somewhat-decent-sized group (no smaller than 2011's.) of hardcore enthusiasts. It would probably still work with a smaller group, but the battlefield would also have to be smaller. I wanted to have battles like that for NY vs. CT if we ever get it going.

We've only had two ties in two wars so far, haha. Out of those, I think only the CTF round at Downpour '11 tied as a result of you and DX fighting each other. The other was because of me and Scott. :goofy: Different guns are fun, but I always miss the power of CPS blasters when I switch to an air pressure gun. I love how the CPS line completely outclasses everything else (not counting the 300, which is a fluke. :goofy: ) on the market. I mean, nothing else even comes close; high-end Water Warriors and XP blasters can come close to matching the range, but they just don't feel as powerful.

So I only like using "fun" blasters if everyone else is using them, haha. Otherwise, it's CPS or nothing!
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Re: Downpour 2012: A Full War Report From Your Soggy Host

Post by isoaker » Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:39 am

Man, I so envy all those who are able to participate in these. Thanks for sharing the pics and stories from another epic community event! As for true CPS vs air tech, I gotta agree on that one. Even when output and range seem similar between the top air-pressure blasters from the Water Warriors line versus a CPS1000/1200, the CPS blasters just seem to have more of a kick to them. However, unless Hasbro starts making true CPS-class blasters again, it'll be awhile before others can even attempt to do so.

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Re: Downpour 2012: A Full War Report From Your Soggy Host

Post by marauder » Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:49 am

I thought the legal holdup (lawsuit or whatever) was going to end in a year or 2.
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Re: Downpour 2012: A Full War Report From Your Soggy Host

Post by isoaker » Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:25 pm

marauder wrote:I thought the legal holdup (lawsuit or whatever) was going to end in a year or 2.
The patent in question got a reissue date of Dec, 2007. Not 100% sure how much extension they get on that, but we're only 5 years in to a possible 14-17 year exclusion from other companies making CPS systems without needing to pay licensing fees (assuming the license is available).
Patents, alone, do not stop development, but since the current market is already having a tough time selling water blasters, the addition of a licensing fee were it available still makes it non-profitable to use that technology to develop a water blaster.
Fair or not, the problem now that the patent was awarded is that fighting it is a very expensive proposition with no definite conclusion.

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Re: Downpour 2012: A Full War Report From Your Soggy Host

Post by SEAL » Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:59 pm

iSoaker: You should seriously try to come to one of these in the future. It's a lot of fun. I'm sure you can find an excuse to, no?

As for the whole CPS thing, all the recent blasters that used CPS tech (and that includes the best from BBT.) haven't really been much better than a decent air-pressure blaster, so even if companies do start making CPS blasters, I don't think we'll be that satisfied. Air pressure also has potential, just look at the SS 300 and heck, the water cannon in my last picture. I don't know why manufacturers never made any really powerful air pressure blasters, since it's definitely possible.

So if you look at it the way I do, if nobody is making any powerful air pressure blasters, then I don't see why they'd start making powerful CPS blasters like we are acustomed to.

(More) Off-topic: I think it's really funny/sad how we have less activity now, in the middle of summer, than we did last winter...
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Re: Downpour 2012: A Full War Report From Your Soggy Host

Post by marauder » Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:05 pm

My XP Pool Pumper Blaster has about the same range as my Colossus and Gorgon. These guns have peaked at around the 40 foot mark. When it comes to air pressure blasters, bigger is really better. You have to have massive firing chambers. After a certain point you need a large nozzle to achieve high ranges. You need large pressure chambers to back these nozzles up. My SS 300, which has an 8x nozzle (compared to XP 70) has insanely huge pressure chambers. I'm not arguing that air pressure can't get better, I'm just saying that I think it'd be a lot easier to just make a CPS 1000/1200/2100 type blaster.

Yeah isoaker, and you can't use age as an excuse, Scott's dad comes, and I'm not exactly a teenager anymore :lol:
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Re: Downpour 2012: A Full War Report From Your Soggy Host

Post by isoaker » Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:51 am

Yeah isoaker, and you can't use age as an excuse
Heh! Age has never really been an excuse for me, but it is, actually now. Just not my own age... but that's another story.

Never say never, but the current likelihood of actually being able to find the time to attend one of these is rather low at the moment.

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Re: Downpour 2012: A Full War Report From Your Soggy Host

Post by mr. dude » Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:20 pm

Just find a babysitter for your kid, take a few days off work, get a nurse for whoever needs a nurse, and make your way down! I solve so many problems!

Except really, I shouldn't be talking because I've yet to make one of these gatherings :goofy:

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Re: Downpour 2012: A Full War Report From Your Soggy Host

Post by marauder » Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:23 pm

I was about to say... I expect YOU there next year too lol. As well as myself, I'll be able to go.
SEAL wrote:If you ain't bloody and muddy by the end of the day, you went to a Nerf war.

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Re: Downpour 2012: A Full War Report From Your Soggy Host

Post by mr. dude » Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:54 pm

I may be able to.
Main reason I couldn't go this year was because it was my birthday and my family+friends already had dibs on me that day. If I don't get shipped off to some remote part of the world because of work next summer, I may well be able to make it.

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