RP! - interrupted, but back

General questions and discussions on water warfare regarding tactics and strategies.
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Post by cooldood31 » Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:12 pm

"I'm with you Razor" said C.D. "Let's move out!"

C.D. went out the back way, and proceded to sneak around the enemy.

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Post by Soakologist » Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:13 pm

"Look for my 1500 and 2000 too, guys!" cried Cloud. He Burst out the door, and began to push back the enemy. He turned into a soaking beast!

Edited By Soakologist on 1089311608

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Post by cooldood31 » Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:20 pm

C.D. left the cover of the bushes and snuck up behind one of the tempests. Putting his hand over the tempests mouth, the barrel of his gun into the opponents back and and pulled him into the bushes. Pointing his gun at the enemy's head C.D. whispered "You'll be quiet if you know what's good for you, now where is my camo MX?"

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Post by Veteran » Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:23 pm

This is what we have so far, gabage edited out and ready for a continuation. Please if you wish to joke around more do not do it in this thread.

Seeing as most of the other members had not arrived yet, wetmonkey takes thi chance to hide himself, and set up a position. He walks out of his house and across the street heading over to the old abandoned school. Inside, he knows are three working water fountains and a spigot. He rushes inside to fill up his two weapons.


Veteran ran quickly up the end of the street. He had been delayed by enemy warriors in the neighborhood who had started early, and needed to refill. He had heard that there was a water source at the abandoned school, so he decided that was the best place to start. He needed to ally with players fast or he would be picked off quickly. He arrived at the back entrance to the school, and swiched his APH to a 1x nozzle in order to conserve the remaining water he had. He slowly slipped into the building.

Soon after...

Spinner came out of the airport, dragging along his suitcase behind him. It was his first time to America, and his ticket had been paid for partly by the kind contributions of the Soaker community to have a representative of British Soaking present at this momentous fight.

He had been emailed a map of the battleground in relation to the airport, so he wasted no time, but called a taxi, and set off. Once inside the taxi, he opened his suitcase. Inside were the two blasters he had been able to bring: his CPS 1500 and his SC Power Pak. He hoped there was a working QFD there...

The taxi slowed down. The grounds were just ahead. He got out, paid the driver, and started to make his way towards the battlefield.

Veteran went deep into the old school in order not to run into any others before he could reload. He ran down the inner hallway and into the old bathroom. Inside he found a working sink. The porcilan had begun to crumble and looked like a hazard, so he grabbed an old pipe and smashed it off. He refilled his CPS 1000 and APH, and left the bathroom. He wandered down the hall and into the old teachers' lounge, where he took a rest from his run and waited for enemies.

Spinner stopped outside the abandoned school. So far, he had seen no-one else...but this state of affairs could not last long. He had to fill up. Looking inside, he thought it seemed like a good place to track down some H2O. In fact, he thought he could hear the sound of water...

He walked down the hallway, following the sound, finally stopping outside the bathroom. He then noticed the broken pipe. He knelt down and refilled, realizing though that someone had been here recently.

Veteran heard footsteps near the hallway. He pulled an old table up to the door to use as a firing barricade. He grabbed a stool and placed it behind the table. He switched his APH to a 5x, snapped on his blaster shield and mounted it on the stool along with his 1000. Slowly pumping his guns he put on his goggles, and waited. I must have started earlier than I assumed, thought Veteran, This place will be swarming once the others come.

C.D. was waiting at the top o the stairs on the top floor of the school, he had been waiting there since dawn. He had a 10 gallon bucket (that he had dragged up there with him that morning) filled with water. He had 10 water balloons ready by his side, and had tipped over a table as a barricade. his Monster X was set to the pulsating 10x and fully charged. He also had a small double barrel stream machine with him just in case he ran into more trouble than he thought. He had heard footsteps on the lower floor, but why go to the enemy when you can let the enemy come to you?

"It would be nice to have some allies right now" he thought "but right now I'll just have to hold out on my own..."

Wetmonkey slowly paced through the 2nd floor hall way. He could hear movement below and above him. That was when he noticed....A SNACK MACHINE!!! Old, and decripid yes, but the candy was still good. After mucnhing on a snickers bar, he began to mkae his way to the old algebra room. The big bay windows were all boarded up, bu one was left unboarded. "Interesting...." he thought to himself. He walked slowly up to the window and gasped at what he saw. He was gazing out across the old football field, and could see at least 5 people armed with 2500s coming towards him. He took a step back and....CRASH! He fell through the old and rotting floor. He landed in a heap next to a kid crouching behind a barricade with a 1000 and an APH at the ready. "Veteran....What's up?"

"What?! How did you get there?!" Asks veteran turning away from the doorway. "I have an uncanny way of popping up when least expected. Want to be allies?"
Back to top

C.D. heard a crash on the floors below. Though he hated to leave his supplies, he just had to see if whoever crashed was okay, even if it was a possible opponent. He quickly put his bucket, 9 of his water balloons, and stream machine in a closet and covered them with other stuff. He jumped the barricade with his MX and a water balloon in hand. once on the 2nd floor he followed some footprints in the dust on the floor. He followed them into a room and saw a big hole. He stuck his head through and saw 2 other boys. Quickly he opened his umbrella in front of him (just in case) and asked:

"Are you guys okay down there?"

"If you fell through that floor and are okay Wetmonkey, then those other guys could probably jump down. We should get out of here." Veteran whispered, "Hey CD, want to ally with us?"

"Sure thing, um, whatever your name is. I haven't made many friends since I moved here. meet me on the top floor, and I'll ask you how you know my name later." He then left and went back to his barricade.

Meanwhile, I notice the abandoned school. I go in and scope the place out. Judging by the number of people outside, I probably wouldn't stand a chance alone out there, but as far as I know (at least my character thinks so anyway), nobody else is in this building. I had to look for a faucet, an escape route, and some allies. I heard something go "bump" on the floor right above me. I go up the steps to go check out what it was, and as it turns out, it's Vet, and C.D. Out of reflexes, they shoot at me, but as I duck behind the corner, I hear them say, "Hey, wasn't that Razor?" "Yeah it was." When I hear this, I offer to ally with them...

"Now that we have a sufficient amount of men, we can try to find those guys with the 2500's." said Wetmonkey. The party moved up to the top level of the school. They found the staff meeting room, which had windows on 3 of the 4 walls.
"This should be a good place to hold out," Said Veteran, "At least if the roof caves in there's no one to shoot through. This is a good lookout point too." Veteran grabbed up a table and duplicated the barricade he had made in the other classroom. "I'll look out for enemies." Said CD as he moved over to the window. "I knew you're name because the guys I ran into in my neighborhood said they were looking for a guy with a camoflaged Monster X, I asssumed they meant you." said Veteran. "Hey, what was that?" whispered Razor.

shouting began outside the school...

Spinner, meanwhile, has finally filled his CPS 1500. Unfortunately no QFD is available for the Power Pak, so it's just dead weight.

Plenty of noise has been going on, so he hasn't yet left the bathroom: he just listened. Finally, when everything seemed to have quietened down, he carefully left the bathroom and walked down the hall. As he approached the side entrance, he could hear footsteps coming from outside...suddenly, the door was wrenched open, and several troops with CPS 2500s poured in and started firing at him. He knew when to retreat, and it was now. Dashing down the hall, he ran up the stairs as fast as possible. He was now glad he hadn't been able to fill the Power Pak...it would have been that much heavier while still giving him little protection from the 20x nozzles chasing him.

Up, up, up. He was now on the top level of the school. Where now? He chose a door entrance at random, only to slam straight into a solid object blocking half of the entrance, and tumbled over it into the room...

C.D saw Spinner jump into the room, but not knowing who he was, he opened fire. The gun pulsed back and forth in his hands as he blasted the intruder with pulses of icy cold water.

amidst all the chaos, the Leprekan has skillfully hidden himself in a tree with a pressurized 2100 aiming in an open third floor window. choosing a good spot was not easy, so he decided he would get the best hiding spot and wait for the enemy to come to him. whoever decided to shoot at him would become his enemy, as there weren't really any set teams. after about half an hour of waiting, he decides to hop down out of the tree and send up the time-out shot (a blast of green-dyed water shot vertically). games were a lot more fun with set teams. before anyone arrived he was sure to turn his camo jacket inside out to the solid white side so nobody would know he was wearing camo.

"Hold your fire CD!" cried Wetmonkey, "Hey kid, are you on a team?" "No, I'm Spinner, I just got here." said the kid. "Good, you're with us," said Veteran, "just don't knock me over again." "Hey guys, look at this." said Razor. He motioned to the far window. A green shot had just come up.

"O man! it's a time out!" C.D was very dissapointed at this call.
"I'd soak you more but there's been a time out" He said to the kid on the floor. C.D. put his spare syuff in a corner and went downstairs and outside to meet up with Leprekan "Why time-out?" he asked Leprekan "Things were just starting to get exciting" "You guys need another?" Asked Leprekan. "Sure, said Wetmonkey, we need as many as we can get."
"We should get out of here," said Veteran, "We don't want to be here when those guys with the 2500's reach the top floor."
seeing that he is now part of the team, the Leprekan retakes his post in the tree and secures himself to the zipline.
Veteran pulled out his radios. "Here Lep, you can update us on the position of the enemy. If they spot you, go to our tree fort in the field." Veteran followed the rest of the team to their base.
Once at the base, C.D. takes position behind the barricade and topped off his MX.
"so which guys were looking for me Veteran, and what were they armed with?"
"Five guys with 2500's ambushed me and Wetmonkey, they are probably looking for us." said Veteran. "Lets man the fort guys," Said Spinner, "Veteran, you man the interior. CD, you guard the door. Me and Razor will guard the perimeter."
"Shouldn't someone guard the lower area?" asked Veteran. "No, we should open it up and use it for filling, theres a hose down there." Said Razor.
Spinner went down to the lower regions to finally fill up his Power Pak.

Account by Belisaurius:
All this commotion at the school finally caught my attention. From the shelter of some trees outside, I had been reading when I suddenly realized the battle raging around me. "These newbies. It's time to teach them what REAL soakage is about." Putting down my copy of Utopia, by Thomas More, I went to prepare for battle. Hiking boots. I putt some dry shirts (dark grey, black, dark blue, dark green), some water for drinking, a liter for refilling. I dressed in my regular jeans, and a dark grey one that would probably shortly be too small. Grabbing my XP270 and a flashlight, I set out for the school.

Now, wetmonkey was thouroughly confused and lost. He hadn't seen his team since they had talked to leprekan, and now wetmonkey ccouldn't find anyone he knew. Next thing he knows he was on the second floor where he fell through in the beginning. PHe went to a window, and set himself upp ina sniping position. "Well, time for me to see some action..."

"Guys! We left Wetmonkey in the school!" Yelled Veteran. "We have to go get him, and fast," said Spinner, "You guys stay, me and Vet will go look for him." "We should travel lighter, I'll leave my APH here and you should leave your Power Pak." Veteran spoke into his radio, "Leprekan, do you read me?" a second later came "Yeah, whats up?"
"Wetmonkey's still at the school, you should try and meet up with him."
"Okay, but there are a lot more people here now." He said.
"Spinner and I are going back to the school, we're traveling light so we'll be there soon."
Spinner and Veteran took off across the field and toward the school. When they arrived at the street, they could see that Leprekan was right. 3 people were outside fighting amongst themselves. One had a 1200, the other two had Max-D 6000's.
"Should we go at 'em?" asked Spinner. "Yeah, they don't know what they're doing, and even with a 10k and 1500 we can take them on."
Veteran and Spinner charged at the three.

Razor exclaims that there is a good abandoned house in a nearby woods that we could set up a base in. It was at the top of a hill too. "Man." thought Razor, "If the whole team was here, we could check it out, but we're not going anywhere because Spinner, Wetmonkey, and Vet would have no idea where we went." Razor, I'm going to go find Leprekan. Maybe then I can radio Veteran and find out which guys were looking for me, then we can hunt them down and take 'em out. Are you with me?

Veteran and Spinner engaged the three. Spinner shot the guy with the 1200 in the chest and face, while Vetrean stayed back and picked off the guys with 6000's. The K-mod really helps, thought Veteran. The guys ran away, it looked like they were teaming up. "Lets go find Wetmonkey." said Spinner. Veteran pulled out his radio. "Leprikan, where are you?" "I'm back behind west end of the school. There are too many men walking around for me to search."
"We'll go to your position and help you out," Said Veteran, "Hold tight."

Account By Belisaurius
After familiarizing myself with the floor plan of the school, I chose room 123 as a temporary base. Within, there were many abandoned desks. Setting the desks up with the long side vertical and the short horizontal, I fortified the door and then proceeded to look around in greater detail.

Flipping open my cell phone, I called other guys I knew, but none of them were home. I left a message for each, describing the situation and telling them to come to rm.123 and wait for me there.

In the back of the room I discovered a sink, which after a bit of work managed to work again. I moved a few dividers in the classroom, 4ft tall and 2 long, to fortify the sink.

Once I was sure my position was well established, I ditched my backpack and set out in search of another soakist. Quietly moving through the abandon building, I went up to the second floor. A large hole in the floor alerted me to definate activity in the area. Quietly sneaking around it, I came around the corner to find someone facing out a window with a super soaker, apparently in a sniping position.

Pressing the nozzle of my soaker against his back, I whispered, "Don't move or I'll shoot. If you cooperate, you can join me or go free. Any wrong moves and you'll be so wet, you'll wonder if it's the deluge."

Spinner and Veteran met up with Leprikan then went to search for Wetmonkey. They had entered the school's top floor when they heard someone yelling. They ran to the sound and found Wetmonkey cornered by an assaliant. "Wetmonkey, run over here!" Cried Spinner.
After checking in the trees and around the perimeter of the school, Razor and C.D. went inside, they managed to avoid all enemies until they found the others. After sizing up the situation, C.D. switched his MX to the 20x nozzle (drilled) and said

"Drop the 270, or I'll open fire. Razor, Guard the door. Spinner, Veteran, Lep circle him so he can't use Monkeyboy as a shield. What ever your name is, drop your weapon! This is your last chance!"Veteran charged at the enemy, holding down the trigger of his 1000. He was stunned, giving Veteran and Wetmonkey time to get back to the others. "Open fire!" The enemy was saturated, and was trying to orient himself. "Lets go ahead and get out of here!" cried Wetmonkey.
Once the party was outside of the school, Razor informed the rest about the possible base. "Sounds good," said Spinner, "Vet and I have to go back to the fort and get our other weapons first. Then we can make a full offensive."
"I don't want to get seperated again, lets all go back to base. Upon arriving at the fort, they found that it was occupied. Two guys with 2500's had arrived, and one was trying to figure out the APH. "Put it down!" Yelled Veteran. The guy scrambled with his 2500 while Veteran blasted him away from his APH. The rest of the team charged in, and the guys began to flee the area. "Oh crap, that guy has your power pak!" Said Razor. Spinner charged at the enemy with his Power Pak and wrenched it away. Once it was free, he fired point blank with his 1500.
"Lets refill and get out of here." Said Wetmonkey.

While back at the base C.D. asked Veteran once again
"Who was looking for me? You said you knew who I was because some guys were looking for somebody with a camo MX, who were they and what are they armed with? I really want to hunt them down!" "They had 2500's." said Veteran.
Now, the twenty-one year old Cloud enters the fray on Spinner's team, armed with a CPS 2000 and 1500. He says "sorry I'm late, now what can I do?"

"There are some guys trying to pick us off individually, we figure they all have 2500's because thats all they ever seem to use. We don't kow how many there are, but we estimate over 5." said Veteran, "We're moving base to that house at the top of the hill, cmon." They moved into the woods and entered the house where they fould two working sinks. Veteran took a stick and enlarged a hole in the old wood. "We need to have good firing positions, but I don't think we'll be found here." Everyone refilled their guns and prepared to head out. Veteran switched his APH to its shower nozzle. "Time for some payback from all that harassment guys."

"Now who all are on the other team there, pal?" Asked Cloud.
"There is a team of three with a 1200 and two 6000, plus other individuals still playing FFA, and I already told you about the guys with 2500's." said Veteran.
"Those must be the jerks guerilla-attacking us with the 2500s, huh?"

The team reached the outskirts of the woods, and watched the school for any activity. "It looks like the guys with the 2500's set up a base in the abandoned school." said Razor after seeing a guy with a 2500 looking out a window. "That must be the leader." From the school imerged 6 people. The three Spinner and Veteran encountered, two others and Belisaurius at the lead. "Do you think they teamed up with the guys wit the 2500's?" Asked Wetmonkey. They spotted us.
"TAKE NO PRISONERS!" Yelled Cloud. The team charged into battle.
Cloud managed to run up a nearby ladder to the roof. The rogues wasted water as they tried to hold off Cloud and Spinner/Vet. Cloud then proceeded to pick of a couple of the rogues and sent them running with some water balloons and precision shots with his 1500.

Razor and CD chased after Belisaurius. They followed him into the building. Seconds later, they were driven out by heavy fire. "Team together and fall back!" yelled Razor. the team formed together as the enemy with 2500's poured out and stood in a line formation. "You cannot defeat the tempest." Said one of the men. They all wore blue armbands and the one who had spoken had instead of a 2500 a 3000. "Open Fire!" Yelled Veteran. He and Spinner charged the enemy with APH and Power Pak while Razor, Wetmonkey, Cloud and CD fired from a distance. Leprikan took potition behind a bush and started sniping the enemy. the Tempest with the 3000 charged Veteran on who had switched to a 30x nozzle, they fired at each other point blank. Both were soaked at the chest and fell backward from the force. One of the 2500's saw Leprikan and began a ranged firefight. Razor and Cloud were drenching another cornered enemy, But CD was pinned dwon by the enemies with the 6000's and 1200.

After Razor and Cloud finished eliminating their opponent, Cloud then proceeded to fall back, supposedly to refill. He ran around the School and snuck up on CD's adversary. He proceeded to let out a full blast from his 2000 on one of the enemies, then confonted the other two with his 1500. Losing badly, he turned to his side and found a discarded 2500 from one of the rogues. He saw the 2500 fully charged, but almost empty. He picked it up, turned, and fired at the two remaining enemies. A brief struggle ensued, but he eventually went empty and was outran by his adversaries. He has now been taken captive by the two with a 6000 and 1200! CD was supposedly out the whole time, but as the two enemies led him away, CD "woke up." Now he is following closely with one of the discarded Max-D 6000s.

The remaining enemy retreated into the field. "We need a refill." said Wetmonkey. "Wait, where are Cloud and CD?" Asked Spinner. "OH crap! I last saw them going up against three guys. They must have been captured." said Leprikan. Veteran poured the ammo from his 1000 into the backpack of his APH. "Take this gun back to base, the resto of you refill." said Veteran, handing the gun to Spinner. "Who has ammo?"
"I have plenty left," said Leprikan. "Lets go find Clound and CD." "Spinner, you and Wetmonkey go up to the house in the woods, I'm pretty sure that the fort base in the field has been taken by the enemy, so be careful."

They first checked the school, which had been completely abandoned. They then went into the field.

While CD was following, he found a CPS 2500 that was evidently discarded by a rogue. He went into the school with speed and refilled his Max-D 6000 (now his backup) and his newfound 2500. He quickly ran back outside and resumed following Cloud and his captives...

Leprikan and Veteran approached the field fort. As they had feared, it was occupied by the Tempest team. They however, did not have CD or Cloud. We followed the path back to the school when we heard the sound of footsteps. Three of the guys on Belisaurius's team were escorting a prisoner; it was Cloud. Veteran switched his APH to 2x and waited with Leprichaun in ambush. We hid behind a tree along the path, and as soon as they were in range we prepared to fire. Veteran aimed his gun at the first enemy's face. Leprikan aimed for the chest of the other guard. The escort was within 10 feet when shots came from behind. Out of the bushes farther back on the path came CD, 2500 letting lose a torrent of water. The escort guards turned around to face him. Leprikan and Veteran opened fire and lept out from behind the tree. pinned on both sides, the guards ran for the field fort. Veteran, Leprikan, CD and Cloud ran back to the house in the woods.
"I'm okay, but they took by weapons away." said Cloud.
"Here," Veteran handed him his 10k, "You can use this, carrying it along with my APH was rather cumbersome anyway."

Meanwhile, Spinner and Wetmonkey approached the old house. As they go closer, they dropped down onto their knees and crept up to the garden fence.

"Looks pretty quiet to me", whispered Spinner, "but let's continue round first."

They continued round the perimeter, then Wetmonkey nudged Spinner's arm. "Look at that window", he said, "No, he's gone now. I saw a face there."

"Oh dear," replied Spinner, "There could be loads of enemies in there. We'll need reinforcements. I wonder how the others got on?"

Account by Belisaurius
" I guess this won't be as easy as I'd hoped." thought Belisaurius, right after wetmonkey's liberation. After a few minutes, I began working my way back to rm.123.

No one had yet arrived, but i had hardly rested for a moment when I heard a commotion in the hall. Stealthily approaching it, I saw the blue armbands of the Tempest Squad, former Unit 1 (Waterbridge), and knew backup had arrived. They had just struck a bargain with some other soakists i did not recognize."use tables from the nearby classrooms to fortify this entrance. be prepared - i'm going to strategically retreat." "ok. we'll be done in a second." with that, i led the new members out of a nearby door in a charge.

smashing into the full strength of the enemy, we quickly lost ground and water. seeing that many of the other soldiers get hit, i realized it was definately time to retreat. "fall back!! fall back!!"

we passed through the door and quickly moved behind the new barracades. some of the enemy had followed us in, and they were met with overwelming fire power, and they retreated.

"We need to get out of here. the school is too large to defend properly." beli thought for a while. "i know. there's an abandoned house out in the forest. it would be much easier to fortify, and it has 2 entrances so we won't be pinned down." one of the soldiers said "beli, guderian has the ares legion out there already. i think there are 4 of them. dux has his k-mod with him... use my walkie talkie and get guderian on the house issue. I think one of the enemy is here in the school somewhere - let's clear this place before we move on."

"guderian, take the ares legion and head into the forest to fortify that one abandoned house you and i found. we're going to clean up over here, and then join you there."

"sounds good beli."

"now then, let's clear this school." just then, 2 of the new guys came around the corner. they were bickering. "you lost him you dodo!" "no, you were supposed to be watching him!" "shut up you idiot."

I said "stop it, what are you talking about?" some of the guys in tempest squad shook their heads. newbies. "he lost cloud." "you mean, you had CLOUD, and now you lost him?? oh boy." i shook my head.

"i want everyone to pair up. stay in constant radio contact. check every room. be especially careful around doors and stairwells. check everywhere. this time, don't loose him." then, over the radio, came guderian. "we've secured the house, but it looks like the enemy is just below us. it aopears to only be two of them. spinner is there." "hold that position until we can get to you."

"move out." the hunt for cloud had begun.

Veteran, Leprikan, CD and Cloud ran back to the house in the woods. There, they met Spinner and Wetmonkey. Spinner began to relate the situation to Cloud & Co.: "We saw an enemy face in there. We have no idea how many are in there though." Cloud realized then that there were six of the people with him. There were also still some Tempest back at the school, probably still looking for him. Cloud decided to take matters into his own hands and charge everyone into the house. And he did just that.
"We're going in. Spinner, CD, Wetmonkey, you take the eastern entrance. Veteran, Lucky Charms, and I will take the west."

They took their positions quietly, but upon hearing Cloud yell "Leave NO One Dry!" they stormed the small shaq. I mean, shack.

Upon entering, they found only two Tempest members there and began drenching the living daylights out of them. They finally surrendered, and Cloud & Co. made them prisoners. Searching the house, the team found some towels, shirts, and several SC 400s. Cloud began issuing the 400s as sidearms to his team. They found a pump-hose outside the house. Lep and Vet filled up the 400s, but they saw Beli and some Tempests coming up the hill. They wanted Cloud!
They returned to the house and related the situation to the team. There were five people; Beli and four tempesters. Cloud turned on his radio in hopes to intercept a call... and he did. He intercepted a call from Belisaurius to Duxburian! It seems that Dux and Guerdian were just at this house before Cloud & Co. infiltrated it. Dux and Gu were hiding in the woods immediately outside the house; they were going to meet with Beli and the four Tempests when they went in the house! It was to be a seven on six all out water torrent, with seven on the other side! What would Cloud & Co. do if the prisoners escaped?! That would be nine on six, a sure defeat for Cloud & Co.
Then VETERAN Came up with an Idea...

"Let's get a defense up and running." said Veteran. See that hole I made in the old wall wood? It's weak, so make shooting holes with a stick."
"We should lock the door somehow," said CD, "we could jam an old table leg at a diagonal angle into the door so the leverage would hold it back."
"Good," said Veteran, As long as we have an unlimited water supply and better firing positions, a difference in numbers becomes irrelevant."
"If they get inside, we should do a little guerrilla warfare. When we know they're going to get in, we can run up the stairs or get behind furniture." said Razor.
"Guys, I can just see them!"

I'll go outside and try to freak 'em out." said Veteran. "I'll go too." said Spinner. It was about 6 pm, and getting dark. The fight was scheduled to go on for over a day, so that wasn't a problem. Spinner and Veteran waited behind the path through the woods in some bushes. Veteran swiched to his double decker fan blast. The two leaped out, guns spewing cold water. They had not realized that the whole team was there. They managed to soak two Tempests, but then they ran out of the woods and into the field as fast as they could. Veteran radioed Leprikan: "They're coming! we managed to delay them but there were to many. When you engage them Spinner and I will come from the rear and we can hit them from both sides."

Cloud went up on the roof and began to attack the enemy. Meanwhile, amidst the chaos, everybody seemed to forget about Razor. It got late (after dark). But nobody went home. Razor used the cover of darkness to scope out the situation in the woods. He saw a group consisting of Beli, and Four tempests advancing on the house. "That must be where my team is." Thought Razor. "I've got to get there first." Razor decided to use darkness to make a dash to the house. When Razor made it to the house, he heard "FREEZE!!" It was cloud. "Show your face! Err, Razor? Nice" We have an extra person.

The battle resumed as the men began cutting out holes in the wall. The enemy forces of Team 2 and Tempest began initial water balloon throwing on the house! Veteran and Leprikan were still no where to be found!! Razor picked up his monster x and layed down cover fire, as Cloud attacked.

C.D. began firing from one of the windows using the 2500, suddenly he realized something, he hadn't seen his MX since Cloud was captured and the fight by the school. "Can anyone see if one of them has my MX? If one of them does, he's mine!"

"I'm with you Razor" said C.D. "Let's move out!"

C.D. went out the back way, and proceded to sneak around the enemy. He left the cover of the bushes and snuck up behind one of the tempests. Putting his hand over the tempests mouth, the barrel of his gun into the opponents back and and pulled him into the bushes. Pointing his gun at the enemy's head C.D. whispered "You'll be quiet if you know what's good for you, now where is my camo MX?"

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Post by Soakologist » Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:28 pm

None of their 20x blasts had an effect on him! He was berserk! Cloud eventually pushed the enemy forces out of the forest single-handedly! Then, Belisaurius dealt Cloud a devestating blow. He snuck behind the Soakologist and blew him in the head with a blast from the stolen CPS 2000! Cloud stumbled from the sheer force of the stream! He struggled to maintain his consiousness as they began force-feeding him painkillers. Belisaurius smacked him across head with the 2000, and he was once again taken hostage by the hostiles!

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Post by Space_Cowboy » Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:51 pm

CD askes Razor, "Where's Cloud?" "We'll he's not here!" Exclaimed Razor. "Let's go find him." Said CD. We heard "HE'S ESCAPING!!! BLAST HIM!!!!!" It came from the school. Razor and C.D. saw them taking cloud (dripping wet) inside the school. They had several spotlights coming from the roof, and someone carrying a camo MX. "That's MINE!!!" Shouted C.D.
"Don't lose control!" Cried Razor. There was a river in a grass field between us and the school. There was no way to sneak up on the building.
"Wait a sec." Said Razor. "There's a manhole right next to the building. Let's look for the nearest manhole and sneak up on them via the sewers. Smelly, yes, but stealthy. How does that sound?"

Edited By Space_Cowboy on 1089312817
With a name like Manhole Mayhem, it has to be good...

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Post by cooldood31 » Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:56 pm

"Fine, Razor. But if you touch the guy with my MX, you're no ally of mine."

Luckily there was a manhole nearby, and leaving his captive behind with the others, Razor and C.D. set out. After a couple of minutes of sludge and smell, they arrived at the manhole by the school.

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Post by Veteran » Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:56 pm

Veteran and Spinner appeared from the woods and met up with Razor and CD. "We were attacked on our way back here," said Veteran, "what'd we miss?" "They hit Cloud point blank with a 2000 blast, it sorta disoriented him and they took him prisoner. He was so wasted he was mumbling about pain killers." said Razor. "Well, looks like he's in need of a rescue again." said Spinner.

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Post by Space_Cowboy » Thu Jul 08, 2004 2:05 pm

"C'mon, there's a broken window on the third level that we can sneak in." said razor. "Let's get there via the fire escape."
With a name like Manhole Mayhem, it has to be good...

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Post by Soakologist » Thu Jul 08, 2004 2:09 pm

The enemy was trying their best to make the troubled Soakologist to talk. "Where have you taken our weapons?!"
Then they let loose a shot from their CPS weapons.
Cloud was still drugged, and didn't even know what had happened.

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Post by cooldood31 » Thu Jul 08, 2004 2:14 pm

C.D. and Razor quietly climbed the fire escape up to the 3rd floor and stopped outside of the window.
"As of now," whispered C.D., "the stealth stops. We're taking the place by storm, and I don't care what you say. Maybe we can cause a distraction so the others can get in the front way and save Cloud,so we're just in this for a suicide run." C.D. looked through the window, there was one guard in the room, but one is enough to start with. C.D. jumped into the room screaming out "ghIqtal!!!" He pulled the trigger and the battle began.

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Post by Veteran » Thu Jul 08, 2004 2:24 pm

Veteran charged and when within 3 feet of the enemy let loose his double fan blast. Once out of pressure he ducked behind the corner and swiched to his 20x nozzle. Spinner stayed back with his 1500, Veteran began to fire bursts in to the enemy lines. Cloud seemed unable to communicate, so Razor picked him up and carried him out. Veteran charged in to help CD again, and once the enemy was thouroughly soaked the rest retreated with Razor and Cloud. "What to we do? They'll be chasing us soon." said Spinner. "We can leave the same way we came." said CD, as he removed the manhole cover.

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Post by cooldood31 » Thu Jul 08, 2004 2:30 pm

"You guys get going! I'll be right behind you! Go! Go! GO!" C.D. began firing atthe oncoming enemies while the others climbed down the man hole. The last man had just climbed down the manhole and C.D. replaced the manhole cover and stood on it. No one was going to follow them.
"ghIqtal!!!" C.D. yelled. He held his ground as the enemies charged in. his 2500 was empty but he fought on with his max-d 2000. No one was going to follow them.

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Post by Soakologist » Thu Jul 08, 2004 2:53 pm

Cloud was slipping in and out of consiousness, and worked his way out of Razor's arms. He was able to walk, but too slowly. Razor and the others had no choice but to leave him behind (with an SC 400). Thanks to C.D.'s bravery, none of the enemies got to Cloud...

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Post by Space_Cowboy » Thu Jul 08, 2004 3:37 pm

Razor came back to find C.D. When he tried to lift the manhole cover, he felt a force pressing down. "He's still there." Thought Razor. He knocked on the manhole cover. When he knocked on the manhole cover there was no response. With great strength, he lifted it, and found out that a barricade was put there in place of C.D. "Where is he now?" Thought Razor. They must have got him. Instead of going through the same window, he took the fire escape to the top floor, and smashed the window with a stone. He then ran to a nearby room, and hid in the celing boards. He heard "what the #### was that? The window is broken!!" "They couldn't have gone far. They probably sent an infiltration team to rescue that kid who was standing on the manhole cover." "No matter what method we used, he wouldn't talk. He kept screaming about his monster-X."As they were talking, a waterballon clocked one of them on the head, and splashed the other people. Even Razor didn't know who it was. Then Vet, and Leprekan stormed in the room. We heard "CD is loose!!!" coming from another room.

Edited By Space_Cowboy on 1089319219
With a name like Manhole Mayhem, it has to be good...

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Post by cooldood31 » Thu Jul 08, 2004 3:38 pm

oops, too late. again.

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Seal Frank
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Post by Seal Frank » Thu Jul 08, 2004 3:43 pm

Could I join in this story too? ???
All charge to the battlegrounds of Hasbro!

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Post by Soakologist » Thu Jul 08, 2004 3:51 pm

Yeah, sure. Which side do you want on, Beli's or mine?

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Post by Veteran » Thu Jul 08, 2004 3:54 pm

He can be on Beli's, he needs more.

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Post by Soakologist » Thu Jul 08, 2004 4:00 pm

That's right, Frank, you're on Beli's team.

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