Search found 60 matches

by Aquarius
Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:55 pm
Forum: Water Blasters
Topic: cps 2500 or cps 3200 - which one ?
Replies: 34
Views: 7151

My pick is the 3200. I think it's the best soaker ever made. Big CPS gun, capacity like no other, useful array of nozzles, relatively easy to pump. It would be absolutely perfect with Collosus and supercharge ability.
by Aquarius
Thu Aug 18, 2005 10:44 am
Forum: Marketplace
Topic: cps 2100 - at sports authority?
Replies: 15
Views: 4593

dragonclass wrote:How much were they and what mark? Thanks, Brad
Sorry for the late response. The 2100's were $7.99 each plus tax, mixed marks.
by Aquarius
Wed Aug 10, 2005 12:45 pm
Forum: Marketplace
Topic: cps 2100 - at sports authority?
Replies: 15
Views: 4593

I bought 20 or so 2100's at a Sports Authority in Springfield, IL, earlier this season.
by Aquarius
Thu Jul 28, 2005 2:42 pm
Forum: Tips & Tactics
Topic: Extreme Ear Washing - don't try this at home
Replies: 4
Views: 2098

Finally, a use for the Triple Charge? :p Maybe. Reflecting back on the experience, my SC600 probably would have worked better. I will try it, as the doc indicated that significant buildup remained in my left ear. If that doesn't work there's always the reliable 2700. :bm2700: :oo: eh? EH? EDIT: The...
by Aquarius
Wed Jul 27, 2005 10:29 pm
Forum: Tips & Tactics
Topic: Extreme Ear Washing - don't try this at home
Replies: 4
Views: 2098

Having a hearing test tomorrow and considerable wax buildup, I figured it might be time to really clean out my ears. First, I tried some over-the-counter goop that seemed to plug me up more than I was with which to start. What I really needed was a syringe to flush out everything. I was in the proc...
by Aquarius
Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:16 pm
Forum: Water Wars
Topic: Need Help Planning - I could use a few guidelines....
Replies: 10
Views: 3182

I never lend soakers to anyone unless comfortable with them returning damaged, dirty, and/or with missing parts. I wouldn't even think of loaning a CPS gun for any reason, unless its of the SC series or maybe a FF. I brought my beloved 2700 to a pool gathering recently and made it clear that no one...
by Aquarius
Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:43 pm
Forum: Marketplace
Topic: Where can I buy old CPS Soakers?
Replies: 3
Views: 1818

In all my dealings, I've found just one CPS soaker at Dollar General, and it was a 1-3-5. eBay is the place one is most likely to find old, available CPS soakers. Garage sales would be my next guess.
by Aquarius
Wed Jul 20, 2005 9:28 am
Forum: Water Blasters
Topic: How many soakers do you regularly use? - ^
Replies: 11
Views: 3010

Nowadays, I most often find myself using soakers to kill wasps. The guns are simply filled with very soapy water. The Monster X works great due to its variety of nozzles and capacity. The smallest nozzle renders a funky, sudsy, nasty stream capable of downing any of those little stinging twirps tha...
by Aquarius
Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:21 am
Forum: Water Blasters
Topic: Soaker Sightings Reports - Early 2005 - ^
Replies: 51
Views: 14094

Aquarius: it stopped working because of the max-d trigger. It seems like each day, they work less and less until they stop. Maybe the trigger mechanism on yours was weak, but, unfortunately, it's normal for them to stop working. (my triple shot is starting to wear off and my flash flood wore off, a...
by Aquarius
Sun Jul 03, 2005 9:04 pm
Forum: Water Blasters
Topic: Water Streams in Space - ^
Replies: 11
Views: 3278

The thing here is how much latent heat must be lost to allow for the solidification of ice from liquid. For sake of argument, I'm sticking with the assumption that we're dealing with water initially at 4C, 1atm. To strip water and make it freeze, you need to remove ~6.02 kJ/mol . Don't forget the e...
by Aquarius
Sun Jul 03, 2005 5:59 pm
Forum: Water Blasters
Topic: Water Streams in Space - ^
Replies: 11
Views: 3278

Phase diagrams represent systems at equilibrium. However, what we're discussing is a changing system, not one at equilibrium. Yes indeed. I am well versed and knowledgable when it comes to phase diagrams. Pointing to a phase diagram does not account for the status of a given material as it goes thr...
by Aquarius
Sun Jul 03, 2005 12:09 pm
Forum: Water Blasters
Topic: Water Streams in Space - ^
Replies: 11
Views: 3278

Well, I'm not going to hypothesize the what's and how's ad nauseam. We've got (supposedly) a NASA researcher clearly stating regarding the space shuttle: "During flight, the excess water is expelled into space. It freezes."--Ellis No boiling, no balloons. It freezes, period. What we don't know are ...
by Aquarius
Sat Jul 02, 2005 10:53 pm
Forum: Water Blasters
Topic: Water Streams in Space - ^
Replies: 11
Views: 3278

It is interesting since I really like water and love knowing how it behaves. I'm exploring this not to prove or disprove, rather to understand things. Same here. I'm just trying to help you understand. However, after reading, I'm still currently more believing that water would vaporize before freez...
by Aquarius
Sat Jul 02, 2005 7:16 pm
Forum: Water Blasters
Topic: Water Streams in Space - ^
Replies: 11
Views: 3278

Geez. This really interests you, doesn't it? Water in a balloon would freeze as it would be pressurized by its container. That is the hypothesis. However, it appears your shuttle example actually seems to show that streams would vaporize prior to freezing as small ice crystals. Ellis clearly indica...
by Aquarius
Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:13 pm
Forum: Homemades
Topic: homemade cps system - simple pvc setup
Replies: 40
Views: 14231

On the shelf, sitting besides an industrial size can of Draino, I noticed a curious thing. An expandable latex tube pipe cleaner. The basic premise of this is to take, in essense, a cyndrical CPS chamber, shove it down your sink drain, and inflate one end with water, so it expands. As it expands, i...
by Aquarius
Fri Jul 01, 2005 3:04 pm
Forum: Tips & Tactics
Topic: Interesting Article
Replies: 10
Views: 3155

Wow. I'd stick an XP-215 in my back pocket and go to town.
by Aquarius
Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:11 pm
Forum: Homemades
Topic: homemade cps system - simple pvc setup
Replies: 40
Views: 14231

I still wonder, though, how much carbonation would occur if you're pressurizing water say using compressed CO2 at 150-300PSI? Not much, even if you used water just above the freezing point. Also, consider that the water you're using already contains some measure of dissolved gas that isn't prone to...
by Aquarius
Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:11 am
Forum: Water Blasters
Topic: How many soakers do you own? - ^
Replies: 14
Views: 4352

I just counted 20 from memory. There may be a couple more but I'm not sure. These are mostly of the CPS type, ranging in size from the SC600 to MXL, with a few air pressure models, MD3k to XP 310.

This of course doesn't account for the hordes I have allocated for auction.
by Aquarius
Thu Jun 30, 2005 10:29 pm
Forum: Homemades
Topic: homemade cps system - simple pvc setup
Replies: 40
Views: 14231

I think you'd have to be able to get the water up to supersonic speeds for it to vaporize on exit. If the process involved a sufficient transfer of heat, yes. One could concievably get the pressure high enough to solidify the water at standard temperature, probably not with a water gun though. At a...
by Aquarius
Thu Jun 30, 2005 1:25 pm
Forum: Marketplace
Topic: Flattered yet illegal - Riping of my shot images
Replies: 23
Views: 6291

To date, I've reported 6 instances of text and/or image theft on eBay. Action was taken on every single one within 24 hours--the offending ads were removed completely. Apparently eBay takes this stuff seriously.