Page 1 of 1 Community Wars Game Rules

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 2:13 pm
It's occurred to me that we don't seem to have a sticky thread for this, and I don't think any of the old threads are up to date enough to be really useful.

- Hits:
> Majority of a tap shot's worth of water must land on you or any gear you're wearing. Hits to the limbs (especially past knees/elbows) have to be more direct to count.
> Smaller streams require slightly more water, and larger streams require slightly less water to count.
> If you cannot tell if you were hit, check for a mostly solid, fist sized splotch or larger.
> Target calls hits, shooter can call for checks.
> Blaster hits do NOT count. (Blocking shots is a legitimate strategy so long as you don't cheat.) Shields are by approval for special occasion only.
> If it is unclear who was hit first, both players are hit.

- Spawns: Two spawn types:
> Near teammate, away from action. Used in One-Hit-Scores
> Spawn area(s): Used in objective.

- Core Game List:
> One-Hit-Kills (OHK) (Definitely want to rename this to OHE One-Hit-Eliminates since that makes much more sense.)
> One-Hit-Scores (OHS)
> Attack/Defend CTF
> Symmetrical CTF
> Attack/Defend Soak n' Destroy
> Symmetrical Soak n' Destroy
> Escort the VIP
> Hold the Line
> Outpost
> Beach Landing Invasion

Re: Community Wars Game Rules

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 3:59 pm
by the oncoming storm
It's really great to have some rules in the works HBWW, One thing I must point out however is that if on some rare occasion a Flash Flood, Hydro Cannon, or APWC is used, it a majority of the shot will always miss unless at point blank range.

Also if we ever do weapons restricted rounds again (I think it's very likely) rules should already be in place to determine what blasters fit in that size class.

For instance it seems agreed by all that a stock or even a nozzle drilled Gorgon is a medium primary, but what of the Colossus 2?, or the Water Lord? are they to weak to be medium or to OP to be a light primary? If the Colossus 2 is a light primary does a nozzle drill push it into the medium catagory? these are questions that must be answered within the rule to reduce complications for those bringing weapons .

Re: Community Wars Game Rules

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:06 pm
What about 1HK and regular two-sided CTF? Or was that what you meant by standard 1-flag CTF? 'Cause putting one flag in the middle of the battlefield doesn't work. Also, beach landing was basically just an attack/defend round, wasn't it?

I call hits if they feel like a hit. It's not really something that you can put into words, and everyone calls them a little differently. It's just one of the quirks of water warfare. I suppose we could try making every drop count, but most people are against that.

We already have a thread on weapons classes, which was mostly just a bunch of arguing if I remember right. I think we mostly agree that light is XP 150/Colossus caliber blasters, medium is 1000/1200/2100, and heavy is like big CPS. Any questionable blasters can be moved up a class if they start dominating.

Re: Community Wars Game Rules

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:29 pm
I made some updates to the game list for what I was missing. Sorry about that; I copy/pasted most of the list from an event I'm hosting.

Counting every droplet clearly doesn't work. A mist droplet to the waist will never get noticed, nor is there demonstrable marking/proof. Overall, we are still developing our hit system as we play, but I think we can all agree now that little bits of splatter would never count. Anyway, oncoming storm brings up a good point on why we never use riot blasts; standard streams are just as effective close up.

The light/medium/heavy definitions are still subjective, but we have a good idea of where they are at this point, and more importantly, we know what's permissible in each class. Vanquishers can operate in both light and medium primary territory, as it has features that make it competitive with mediums without making it overpowered for lights.

Overall, we still can't settle into more concrete definitions, but the "light primaries" definition is much more convenient and inclusive than "BBT only" or "air pressure only" categories, and that's ultimately what I'd much rather have instead of dealing with and packing for pointless categorizations.

Re: Community Wars Game Rules

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:59 pm
by marauder
Though it doesn't put everyone's mind completely at ease, one way to come to a clear conclusion is just to let the host decide. That type of executive action will at least get the ball rolling and determine what kind of round he wants to host.