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the "this-or-that" game

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 12:38 pm
by thelaminator
this is how this is going to go down. i will give a scenario which leaves you with two options every so often. just reply with your choice and why. simple as that. no winning, no loosing. have fun! (or,at least try to have fun :goofy: )

scenario: you are talking with your neighbor. he has a Gorgon (air pressure) and a H.C. he says that he will let you have one as a pre-summer gift. knowing him, though, if you take one and modify it, he will be upset that you are "destroying his gift". which would you choose? :oo:

Re: the "this-or-that" game

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 1:50 pm
definatelx the gorgon. The HC is a weak Soaker in so much aspects. Bad pump-volume, much force needed to pump because of bad shaped pump-handle. Bad PC volume, even worse Shot-time. Range is OK but could be better. Nozzle is nice and trigger-valve is cool.

Without modification this is a SOaker I would not choose. I would take the CPS 1-3-5 before using the original Hydro Cannon :goofy:

I would take the gorgon^^

Re: the "this-or-that" game

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 2:18 pm
I would take the HC and show him that the whole point of it is to mod it, by modding it behind his back. The next war he attends, the thing miraculously shoots twice as far and for twice as long, and has a backpack behind it.

However, I don't want to spend all that time modding while several water guns don't work, which I need plenty of time to fix. I'd also rather support BBT than Hasbro when it comes to water blasters, of course, so I'd probably take the Gorgon instead.

Scenario: One of your friends who attends your wars regularly but doesn't know the slightest thing about water guns, gives you a Thunderstorm this year as a birthday present after seeing it on TV. As the party progresses, your group of friends have a water war later, but your friends make it outside first and take all the blasters (mostly CPS's) and leave a CPS 1000 left, while you and your friend (who gave the Thunderstorm) are still inside. The game to be played is infinite lives CTF. You have several options; take the 1000 and leave your friend with virtually nothing, or give him the 1000 and use water bottles. You can even choose to leave the Thunderstorm boxed and try to get it returned, or you can choose to open it and let your friend know the hard way why no one uses it. You know you are faster than everyone else and while can make a few kills with water bottles (more so than you could make with a squirt gun), you could virtually guarantee victory with a 1000. What do you do?

Re: the "this-or-that" game

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 4:24 pm
by martianshark
Laminator: I'd totally choose the Gorgon. I own both by the way.

CA99: Well it wouldn't be that polite to return it and/or tell him it sucks. Just for the heck of it, I'd open it up, replace the motor with a really powerful one, widen the tubing, increase the voltage, drill the nozzle, and etc. to see how powerful I could possibly make it.

Re: the "this-or-that" game

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 5:42 pm
by DX
Gorgon for the first scenario. Shot time rarely matters to me, but in this case the HC has such bad shot time that it becomes a decisive negative factor. That, and the HC is badly underpowered relative to its size. I prefer the highest power possible in the smallest gun possible.

As for the second scenario, I love a good challenge. I'd give my friend the 1000 and take up the T'storm, actually. It would allow him to have a good time with a superior gun, it would show my gratitude that he gave me a gift, and I'm secure enough in my ability to pose a threat with a crappy gun that shoots like 21ft. Now, granted it is a LOT easier to accomplish this with the gametype given as CTF with inf lives and with user speed advantage. A soakfest would force me to resort to the water bottles, as would having speed parity or disadvantage. But, when you are used to being the fastest on the field, you know what to do with it, with additional powers manifested in CTF. The ability to rapidly switch between offense and defense is one of them, not to mention what goes down when you're the flag bearer, or you're running down an enemy flag bearer. You can also threaten a larger group of enemies by switching physical positions and covering a variety of angles. The nature of CTF privileges fast players no matter what the guns are. Even if the enemy has a tight defense and you have a crap gun, if they can't hit you, every shot they take brings them that much closer to needing a refill. Careful shot management with high evasion makes it impossible for the defense to reload while you can still threaten them. Of course, the amount of advantage depends on the margin of disparity. There's a huge difference between being the fastest by a bit and being the fastest by a blowout. Raw speed can also come with or without agility. Some sports train you to have lateral capabilities (soccer) and some train those out of you altogether (track). The type of natural skills you have definitely affects the battle, even if you do not use them to their full potential, or are countered from doing so. Just the threat of the ability is enough.

Re: the "this-or-that" game

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 6:25 pm
In almost all 1HK definitions, squirt guns can't muster up enough water to get a kill (short of continuously shooting at your target for half a minute or unloading the reservoir at said target; and even the worst player w/ a CPS can hit you by then), so one is generally better off unarmed or with water bottles. The short range of the Thunderstorm makes it extremely difficult to use. The fact that it barely outputs anything makes it almost impossible to get a kill with.

I would personally go through and bear w/ the Thunderstorm, as it will be useful for various other games like Infection, and it's obviously not worth loosing a friend over.

Re: the "this-or-that" game

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 6:59 pm
by DX
Ridgewood rules permitted a direct line shot to count as a kill. The fist-sized standard was for angled shots, and any other shot that the shooter couldn't see make contact. In our rules, anything large enough to make a stream could get a kill if you could get it straight on. The worst player with a CPS cannot get a kill in most situations. In those 1-0 and 1-1 games, the best players with a CPS can struggle for hours to get a kill. In straight up 1HK, no CTF, it would be difficult for either you or the enemy to get a kill given the scenarip - they can't land a hit and you can't spray past your nose. However, with water bottles, you have once good chance and then are screwed, unless you put a hole in the bottle and use it like a gun, which won't have good range or output, either. A flood from a bottle is still pretty easy to dodge unless the target is not ready for it.

Re: the "this-or-that" game

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 8:13 pm
by thelaminator
i'd keep the t-storm boxed up, and greet him to! :goofy:

as for the 1k- i'd let him use it. there is no point in playing a game if there is no challenge. (yet, if there is too much chalenge, one would not want to play :goofy: )

scenario: a total wise-guy comes into your town because he is a relitive of your close friend. your friend wants you to let them have a war with you. you let them in, not knowing how "improper" the relitive is. he picks up a cps 2100 and thinks it's not "ledgit" because he's never seen one before. he goes boasting on about how "awesome the new nerf super soakers" are and how he'd never trust a knock-off like buzzbee. you want to tell him he is wrong, but don't want him to feel unwelcome. your freind also informs you that he ia an extremely sore loser (thus letting him "see for himself" is not such a good idea). what would you do? :oo:

Re: the "this-or-that" game

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 2:39 pm
I'd start a soakfest on the spot, haha.

Re: the "this-or-that" game

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 3:51 pm
by martianshark
There's no winners in an unorganized soakfest. That might be the best way to do it.

Re: the "this-or-that" game

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 4:05 am
by thelaminator
Good point. I didn't think about soakfest! Blarg :goofy: well, let's say for argument's sake he'd het pissed because he was the first one drenched (because we all know that's what's going to happen :goofy: )

Re: the "this-or-that" game

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 1:48 pm
In that case, allow him to and laugh at his attempts to drench stationary targets with a Nerf SS, then proceed to blast him with a Gorgon.

Re: the "this-or-that" game

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 8:25 pm
by scottthewaterwarrior
1st s scenario: I would defiantly go with the Gorgon, even if it was air pressure. The hydro cannon is basically a flash flood stuck on the flood nozzle. I rarely used the flood nozzle on my flash flood, even in soak fests, I preferred to use the regular nozzle to conserve water and for longer shot times. The Gorgon being air pressure would not be a problem, I would just have to keep it max pumped which is what I would do any way even if it was Hydro power. I also could almost certainly not mod the Hydro Cannon even if he let me. I've only ever opened two Max-D 2000s and a Helix.

2nd scenario: I would just fill a back pack up with as many water bottles as I could and use them. I could probably sneak up on my friends and dump them on them (-more likely at night), or at least get close enough to swing it with the cap off and get a kill that way. I have improved the swing method, it works 10-15 ft away and you get 2-3 swings per bottle so if I was carrying 10 bottles I could make it work. I might be able to make do with the Thunderstorm too, I would problem use both. Depending on how he would take it I might pull him aside latter and show him the error of his ways.

3rd scenario: It would be tempting to let him really let him see for himself, as in a soakfest. But if I didn’t do that then I would show him shots of the two side by side, much as what isoaker does for his video testings.